On June 10th, Defense Minister Rajnath Singh had the owner of the chief guest at the convocation ceremony of Gopal Narayan Singh University in Rohtas, Bihar. The event, presided over by the Vice-Chancellor of the university, Gopal Narayan Singh, celebrated the achievements of the students who had graduated from the institution in previous years. A total of approximately 750 students were granted degrees by Defense Minister Rajnath Singh, who also had the honor of presenting gold medals to 29 outstanding students in various disciplines.
During his address to the young audience, the Defense Minister emphasized the crucial role that teachers play in the field of education. He stressed the importance of acknowledging and appreciating the contributions of teachers in the pursuit of academic qualifications. The Minister highlighted that both educators who impart knowledge and parents who facilitate education play significant roles that should never be forgotten. Their contributions should be respected and revered throughout one's life. He encouraged the audience to focus on the positive qualities of teachers rather than dwelling on their shortcomings when seeking education.