Eligibility :

I. Candidates with four years B.Sc. (Ag.) Degree with credit based course programme under the guidelines of ICAR or an equivalent qualification.

II. 6.00/10 or 2.5/4, 3.5/5, 4.0/6 OGPA for general candidates. For SC/ST/OBC candidates OGPA of 5.5/10,  2.0/4, 3.0/5 and 3.5/6 as per university guidelines.

III. Has not secured more than one III division or equivalent O.G.P.A. in his/her academic career.

Course and Fee Details:

Duration Admission Fee Regis. Fee Caution Money Semester/ Annual Fee Exam Fee (Rs.) Misc. (Rs.)
4-Semester (2-years) 1,000 3,000 5,000 40,000 4,000 11,000

Contact : 1800-121-0051

Syllabus for Master of Science in (Agriculture) - Plant Pathology




Admission Enquiry
Online Application