About the Conference

Nursing research has a tremendous influence on current and future professional nursing practice. Nursing education places focus upon the use of evidence from research in order to
rationalize nursing interventions. Our college is organizing National Conference on theme “Nursing research- bridging the gap between theory & practice”. This conference will create a
platform to share knowledge & expertise which helps in bridging the gap between theory & practice.


The aim of this conference is to provide participants with the knowledge and understanding about how effectively nursing research can bridge the gap between theory and practice.


  • By the end of the conference the participants will be able to improve the level of evidence based practice utilization in daily curricular activities.

  • Gain the insights regarding how to identify the gaps between theory and practice

  • Develop theoretical skills in bringing evidence to action by the help of nursing research.

  • Envisioning towards the amplitude of nursing research by Integration of evidence at their organizational context.