The Gopal Narayan Singh University, Jamuhar (Rohtas) Bihar is rolling out its first Online FDP on "CYBER WARFARE: INFORMATION SECURITY CHALLENGES" being organized under the aegis of IQAC of the University by the Department of Information Technology, FMS on Sunday, May 10, 2020 from 9:30 am to 4:00 pm.
The key issues being discussed by the three experts -
The discussion would be on the Cyber security, cyber crime & its impact on e-commerce based transactions.
The seats are limited, registration has started and will cease once we fill up the available seats, there is no registration fee and E-certificates will be issued to all registered participants on successfully completing the Online FDP and submitting a feedback for the same.
FDP Convener: Dr. Abhishek Srivastava, HoD-IT
email: [email protected] || 6393730122
FDP Coordinator: Mr. Aman Routh, Assistant Professor
email: [email protected]